Peukje of Becks?

Help mee deze ID-puzzel op te lossen!

  • Zeelt-20 (Peukje) en Zeelt-32 (Becks) lijken enorm op elkaar.
  • Toch zijn er ook wat verschillen, al veranderen littekens en vlekken door de jaren heen.
  • Hieronder kun je aan de hand van foto's en filmpjes de dieren met elkaar vergelijken.
  • Serieuze reacties op de onderzoeksvraag zijn welkom: "Zijn dit dezelfde of verschillende dieren?" Mail me s.v.p. 

Please help solve this ID-puzzle!

  • Tench-20 (Peukje) and Tench-32 (Becks) look very much alike.
  • There are some differences, though.
  • Take a look at the photographs (and films below) and see how they match or differ from eachother.
  • If you have a serious answer for me regarding the ID of these animals (this animal), please email me.

onderwaterinleiden peukje-becks foto
onderwaterinleiden peukje-becks foto
onderwaterinleiden speelkaart zeelt
onderwaterinleiden peukje-becks foto
onderwaterinleiden peukje-becks foto
onderwaterinleiden peukje-becks foto
onderwaterinleiden zeelt becks backdrop
onderwaterinleiden peukje-becks foto
onderwaterinleiden peukje-becks foto
onderwaterinleiden peukje-becks foto
onderwaterinleiden peukje-becks foto
onderwaterinleiden peukje-becks foto
onderwaterinleiden peukje-becks foto

Details of the animals to take notice of before you decide which is which:

  • Darkly coloured patch on left cheek (enlarges each year)
  • Thickness at base of tailstock
  • Nicked dorsal fin (in 2013 only the top, after sept. 2014 also at the base)
  • 'Nipple' (small protrusion) on tip of dorsal fin from 2014 onwards
  • Queerly formed mouth (on all occasions)
  • Left pectoral fin; either 'dolphinlike' (Z-32 in 2014-2015) OR with a big tear (Z-20 in 2013). This could differ each year, if tears in fins heal up. It also differs if the fin is kept close to the body.
  • right pectoral fin; either no tear at all OR with a big tear (Z-20 in 2013). This could differ each year if tears heal up.It also differs if fin is kept close to the body.
  • 'Both individuals' (if that is the case) show quite easygoing behaviour towards the snorkelling researcher
  • If in doubt with this tench: check the strangely formed mouth! That's quite a unique feature.

Tench 20 (peukje):

  • First seen on 31st july 2013, eating a cigarette filter ('peuk') and then spitting it out.
  • According to the filmfootage, the Smoelenboek-page below was made:
    (legenda: blacked out parts of a fin mean there is a tear/a part is missing)

 uit het smoelenboek van Onder water in Leiden: zeelt 20

Tench 32

  • Is a male (first erroneously called Becky, now Becks). Recognizable protruding musclemass just above the belly-fins in the mating season makes it a male.



"Onder water in Leiden" is onderdeel van "Aaf Verkade Adviseur Stadsgrachten"

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Illustrator: Lisa Poot,